
The Wilmington Library has microfilm of the local newspapers going back to 1871. We will search any of our newspapers for obituaries back to 1871 for you.

The information we require:
• For Deaths from 1871 to 1960 – Name and exact date of death (day / month / year).
• For Death from 1960 to present – Name and date of death (minimum of month/year, but an exact date is preferred).

**Feel free to add any other information that you have that might assist us in the search. For example, if the person died while serving in the military, was the owner of a business, or died under tragic circumstances, please include it.

Please make your request in writing only to the following address:
Reference Department
The Wilmington Library
Post Office Box 2303
Wilmington, DE 19899-2303

The cost for searching, printing and mailing each obituary requested is $5.00. There is a limit of three names per request. Note that the $5.00 charge is payable even if we are unable to locate the obituary.
For Example:
John Delaware $5.00
Jane Delaware $5.00
Joe Delaware $5.00
Total: $15.00

Please enclose your check, in the appropriate amount, with your request. Checks should be made payable to “The Wilmington Library.”

The following are some places that you can look for a date of death.