Meeting Rooms North Branch


Please adhere to the meeting room policies when using this or any other space in the library. The Wilmington North Branch Library reserves the right to deny any individual or group the use of the meeting rooms if the policies are not followed.


Meeting Rooms are available during normal library hours, with no fee to individuals, associations, community groups, educational institutions and non-profits engaged in education, civic, cultural and charitable activities.
  • Library hours are Monday through Thursday 10:00am to 7:00pm and Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
  • Meeting should conclude 15 minutes prior to the library closing for the evening.
  • We require all non-profit organizations to provide a copy of their 501(c)(3) letter before any meeting room reservation is approved. A copy of your letter can be sent to or mailed to:Wilmington North Branch,
    3400 North Market St.
    Wilmington, DE 19802.
  • Meeting Rooms are available to local businesses and for-profit organizations or individuals for a fee that helps support the library.

All meetings held at the Library must be free of charge to participants. Meeting rooms may not be used for social purposes, religious services or ceremonies, commercial purposes, political campaign activity or illegal activity. Public use of meeting rooms may not interfere with the Library’s operation. Library policies regarding patron behavior apply to meeting room use.

**The Library reserves the right to add “This is not a Library sponsored event” on any reservation request.

The booking form requires the name of the group official or individual who will assume financial responsibility for damage to equipment or cleaning fees should such be incurred.

Groups or organizations using Library meeting rooms must:

  • Enforce the “No Smoking” policy within the building;
  • Adhere to room capacity limitations listed on the Library’s website;
  • Meetings for children and teens must have adult supervision at all times in no less than a 1 -15 ratio; and
  • No admission fees are permitted for participation in meeting room programs.
  • Furniture may not be moved from one meeting room to another.
  • Any set up/or clean-up & cleaning supplies, (including electronics operation) is the responsibility of the reservationist. At the meeting’s
  • conclusion, rooms must be left in the same condition as when entered.

Set up and special arrangements of chairs and tables are the responsibility of the customer. No special room set up is provided by the library. Nothing may be taped or affixed to any part of the room. Groups and individuals scheduling the meeting rooms are responsible for protective coverage of library carpet and furniture if craft items such as glue, paint, ink, etc. will be used. No tape, adhesive, nails, screws, metal hooks, etc. may be placed on or driven into any wall or surface of the Library.

Light refreshments may be served in the meeting rooms at no charge. Refreshments include juice, coffee, soda, water, snacks, and light fare. Organizers may arrange to have food delivered but are solely responsible for delivery and clean up. No heating equipment, electrical appliances, sternos, crock pots, or hot plates may be used in any of the meeting rooms. Alcoholic beverages may not be served in the library unless you have a valid liquor license.

All supplies for refreshments and food must be supplied by groups and/or organizations using the meeting room.

No foods can be poured in the sinks (kitchen or bathrooms), drinking fountains or landscaping areas of the library. All food and beverages must be removed from the library immediately following the conclusion of the event and/or meeting by the group or organization using the meeting room.

Any costs incurred by library staff in the removal of un-disposed of food and/or beverages will result in a cleaning fee being charged to the group or organization responsible for requesting the room.

  • Library Programs
  • Official meetings, programs or activities sponsored by the State of Delaware, New Castle County or City of Wilmington
  • Other approved programs or meetings by non-profit, civic, educational and cultural entities


  • Requests are confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis. Customers must adhere to the room capacity limitations.
  • Only Adults may reserve rooms.
  • Businesses are required to pay the fee before the reservation can be approved.
  • Bookings may be made up to 2 months in advance & must be at least 5 days in advance.
  • Same day, special needs reservations only available by calling.
  • Tutors, social services appointments will be accommodated where possible.
  • Courtesy of 24-hour notice on cancellations required.

The Wilmington Public Library reserves the right to deny Library meeting room use to:

  • Groups, individuals or organizations whose previous conduct has not complied with Library meeting room policies procedures as stated.
  • Groups, individuals or organizations who failed to abide by this meeting room policy or to cooperate with the staff of the Wilmington
  • Public Library may result in loss of meeting room privileges.
  • Groups, individuals or organizations whose conduct has resulted in damage or interfered with the other patron’s Library use.
  • Groups, individuals or organizations that repeatedly don’t show or cancel bookings.

By using this website, you consent to the Wilmington North Branch Library’s Meeting Room Policies in the manner described in this policy. This policy may be modified from time to time without notice and at the discretion of the Wilmington Library Director.

The Wilmington Library and Wilmington North Branch Library are not liable for injuries to individuals, damage or loss of personal property.
Any damage, loss, theft or misuse of library equipment or facilities is the financial responsibility of the reservationists. The library is not responsible for the cancellation of any meeting due to inclement weather events. During adverse weather, groups should listen to 92.7FM or 99.5FM for weather related closings, or check : The Wilmington Library follows NCC closures. By using this website, you consent to all Meeting Room policies. Policies may change without advance notice at the Director’s discretion.

Types of Meeting Rooms:

  • Small Meeting Room
  • One Square Table with 6 chairs
  • Room for additional seating up to 10 but 6 only at table
  • Wireless internet access
  • Accessible Seat/Space
  • Second Floor

  • Mid-size meeting room
  • Round table with four chairs (room for more seating up to 10 people)
  • Wireless internet access
  • Accessible Seat/Space
  • Power Available
  • First floor

  • Multipurpose meeting and event space (visit recommended before booking)
  • Diverse seating availability (movable desks with seats, lounge area, 2 round tables with chairs)
  • Capacity up to 75 people comfortably
  • Wireless internet access
  • Accessible Seat/Space
  • Power Available
  • Second floor

  • Small Meeting Room
  • One Round Table with 3 chairs
  • Room for additional seating up to 6 but 4 only at table
  • Wireless internet access
  • Accessible Seat/Space
  • Power Available
  • Second floor

  • Multipurpose meeting and event space (visit recommended before booking)
  • Diverse seating availability (movable desks with seats, lounge area, makerspace area with sink)
  • Capacity up to 50 people comfortably
  • Includes 3 individual work stations
  • Wireless internet access
  • Accessible Seat/Space
  • Power Available
  • First floor

Reserving a Room:

Reserve a Meeting Room
  • Check the “Location” dropdown ensure you are on Wilmington Library-North Branch
  • Go To Date and select the date of your event.
  • You will see the available Library spaces. Click on the time you would like to reserve the room, including set-up time.
  • In the drop-down menu that appears below, select the end time, including break-down time.
  • Click on Submit Times and complete the form.
  • You will receive a confirmation and invoice once your reservation request has been reviewed.

  • All meeting room payments are due 2 week prior to the event.
  • Non-Profit Organizations will not be charged for the use of the meeting rooms with appropriate 501(c)(3) documentation provided. However, donations to the Wilmington Library are appreciated in order to maintain this free service. Payments are accepted in the form of Cash or Check:
    Make payable to: Wilmington Library Foundation
    Mail to: Wilmington Library Foundation, PO Box 2303, Wilmington DE 19899.
    Please reference the date of your meeting room reservation on the check memo.
  • For-Profit Organizations are charged for the use of the meeting rooms as indicated below. The entire balance of the meeting room fee 2 week prior to the meeting. Payments are accepted in the form of: Cash or Check made payable to the Wilmington Library Foundation, PO Box 2303, Wilmington De 19899. Please reference the date of your meeting room reservation on the check memo.

  • Dr. Abdullah Muhammad Room: $25.00 per date reserved
  • H. Rodney Scott Room: $35.00 per date reserved
  • Penrose Hollins Space: $100.00 per date reserved
  • Subira Ibrahim Room: $25.00 per date reserved
  • Twin Poets Space: $75.00 per date reserved
  • All Meeting Room Cleaning Charge Rates: $25.00 per date reserved