Internet Safety

The Wilmington Library:

  • Assumes no responsibility for damages arising from its connection to on-line services;
  • Makes no guarantees with respect to quality or content of information on on-line services;
  • Does not endorse information offered by on-line services;
  • Encourages parents not only to discuss with their children the type of information offered via on-line services and their use in relation to specific family values, but also to monitor their children’s use of the services if possible.

Please use the Internet safely and responsibly. Information on the internet can be wrong, inaccurate, and out-of-date. Please evaluate every site before you trust the information. The library has no way of controlling pages that disappear or become inactive.

To Learn more about how parents and kids can surf the Internet safely, visit

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Wilmington Library Youth Services
10 E. 10th St. Wilmington, De 19801

Lower Level | (302) 571-7400 ext. 2412